So, now we've done it! The year 2018 is (almost) over. I hope you have achieved a lot and above all helped others to lead a better life and have more success.
In this sense I wish you a Happy New Year and that 2019 will be a wonderful year for you, your friends and your family.
Especially at this time of year, many thoughts revolve around how we can do good for others. That is good but should not be limited to specific periods and events.
What do I mean by that? Well, for example, I travel a lot by train and sometimes wonder how each one of us has made the life of some other person, the environment or the planet better in the hour we spend here together. Most, unfortunately, not at all.
This is my message: Instead of actions from time to time, you simply work on doing something valuable for others or yourself every hour. Ask yourself every hour, every day the question: "How have I made the lives of others a bit better today?"
When I work with my clients, we start with exactly one thing that makes a big difference in their later successes:
We set extremely ambitious goals (or exactly one). It has been shown over and over again that this is precisely the essential basis for achieving results that would otherwise hardly have been imaginable. More about this in the video.
The true quality of a person can be measured by his or her behavior in these two situations: under extreme stress and when no one is looking.
In the first case, (to put it simply), our cerebellum takes control, and in the second case we have to "prove ourselves to no one." The problem: a strong and positive character only works in the presence of consistency. This means that you cannot be an outstanding person when you are in the limelight and an average person when you are stressed or alone.
Your character is constant and is only reinforced by situations. Why is this important? Well, if you want to achieve more (whatever that means for you), you need to consistently want it (and not just from time to time). And you also have to want it even when nobody is watching.
This is exactly why so many teams and people remain to be mediocre and often even frustrated and stagnate.
The other day I was looking for accommodation on Airbnb, and I briefly enquired with several providers. One answered my query within 3 minutes. Also, my further questions were answered in a few minutes quickly, but exhaustively. My action: I booked the accommodation.
I mention this again and again in my sales training: Speed is more important than many other factors. Why is that? Well, in addition to the significant gain in time, the speed of the sales process shows me, as a prospect, what I can expect later as a paying customer: provide quick answers to my questions.
There is ONE thing that is most important when you show up at your customers, in meetings, and even with your family and friends. I explain it in the video.
The other day when I was on a Swiss Airlines flight, I noticed the name tag "I'm a new cabin talent" on one of the flight attendant's lapel.
This not only attracted the attention of some of the passengers but it also led to pride in the eyes of the young team member.
You may think it's "just words" and it's just a marketing trick to increase motivation. Attention: There is rarely such a strong drive for happiness, fulfillment, and productivity as direct and unvarnished appreciation.
And, it makes a huge difference between "flight attendant" and "I am a new cabin talent." Words are important!
Sometimes, everything seems to go against us. Even the most successful people sometimes have hard times (usually even more than average).
The main difference is how quickly we get out of a crisis. I had written about this some time ago.
Most of us are in conflict with the law. However, the judges are not trained people, but nature and consequences.
What am I talking about? Well, besides human-made laws, there are natural laws and mental laws. The mental laws are just as 100% valid as the laws of nature.
As an example, no matter whether you like gravity, know something about it or not: the law of gravity works at 100 percent. That's why we adhere to it.
However, many people are careless with mental laws and think they can outsmart them. The result is dissatisfaction, failure, lack of fulfillment and much more.
For your daily productivity, there is hardly anything as important as your first thoughts and actions in the morning. How you start your morning determines, to a large extent, your performance throughout the day.
And not only that: Your own condition in the morning has an enormous effect on your environment. How you are first perceived by your environment (including your colleagues) sets the tone for the day. Every day sets the tone for the week, the month, and ultimately the whole of life.
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