You are too optimistic!

leadership Jul 20, 2017

The management is the issue! This was the headline of an article a while ago in the renowned Swiss newspaper NZZ (Neue Zurcher Zeitung). Based on an extensive survey, the authors derived these conclusions: 

“How well a company is actually prepared for the future transformation in the business world is not the same as the managers think about it.”

Companies would clearly overestimate their ability to transform.

And further: “the ability to transform their own company in comparison with their industry is also perceived too optimistic by the management.” 

We do not need to cite a study of this conclusion. Just look around: How enthusiastic is your team for achieving challenging goals? When it comes to being competitive in the market and defining the new industry standards? 

From my experience, there is huge potential for more success, more joy, and higher customer value when it comes to willingness to transform and a winner’s mindset. 

Here are three first steps for your journey towards a “Winning Team Culture”, as I call it: 

  1. Decision. Initially, there is always a clear decision. Decide you want to achieve substantially more, for instance, 10 times more profit than today. Be ambitious and write it down.
  2. Standards. Define (with the management team) the new standards: How do you act from now on? What do you no longer tolerate? What are your benchmarks?
  3. Get started. Start with changes directly for yourself and your people. Change meetings. Refresh communication. Change something. Anything! Now!

I wish you a winning week!


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