Why you're struggling

There are concepts in psychology that, if taught in school and university, would make all the difference in people’s lives and careers. But nobody teaches them. 

Only when we study the “old” masters of success psychology, such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Darren Hardy, John Maxwell, and others, we find out about the power of these simple truths. 

This is no “theoretical stuff” (as you might think), but precisely the difference between the most successful people and the rest. 

One of these principles is this: you attract success by who you become, not by pursuing it. I was writing about this in earlier posts.

Today, I want to give you three concrete examples you can apply in your business immediately: 
  • If you want more sales, become a person that attracts people who want to spend money with you and your business. No matter what you sell, first, you sell yourself as a person. Are you somebody, who others want to leave large amounts of money with? Your question: who do I need to become, as a sales person, to attract money?
  • To have a better team, become a better team member and leader, first. If you want them to be more cheerful, be cheerful. If you want them to be more productive, be a role model for productivity.
  • If you want to decrease your stress and working hours, ask yourself what kind of person would have less stress and working hours, while still achieving outstanding results. Look for role models and learn what they do differently. 
We all know some people achieve far more with the same or less effort than others.

The reason: They ARE different. You can get there, too. You need just to change your perspective from external to internal and work hard on yourself.

A coach normally accelerates this process enormously. Click here if you want to learn more.


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