What is your next level?

leadership Nov 26, 2020

Recently, another article of mine -  "Are you asking the right questions?" - was published in the Swiss business magazine Handelszeitung. It is about the right focus in challenging situations. You can request it from me ➔ here as a PDF file (in German).

In my work as a coach and consultant, I like to talk about reaching "the next level." Some people wonder exactly what I mean by that.

Well, we are all at certain stages of development. When you reflect on your life, it becomes very clear: as a child you thought and behaved differently than as an adolescent. And then again as a young adult. And so on. 

Here comes the point: These developmental levels determine, to a large extent, what we can achieve in each case. In order to have significantly more success (however you define it), we have to leave one level and climb onto another. 

The good news is that you can always decide that for yourself. But: It is usually not easy at all. Because we inevitably leave our comfort zone.

For you as a leader, it is crucial that you can "take" your team to another level if you want to increase success in the long term. What do you have to do to achieve this? Here are three ideas:
  1. Practice responsibility. The more people you have in your ranks who take full responsibility at all times, instead of blaming other people or external circumstances, the greater the willingness will be to move forward and dare to try something new. You can and must develop a sense of responsibility.
  2. Ask the right questions. See my article from the Handelszeitung mentioned at the beginning: It makes a huge difference to your people what questions you usually ask as a leader. Just as an example, "How can we benefit from this situation?" is something different than "How could this happen to us?"
  3. Set clear development goals. In which areas will you be at a significantly higher level in 12 months? At least every 12 months, you should make a significant leap up on some topics, be it the development of the culture, new incoming orders, new business models, new market segments or whatever. The main thing is that you have clear development goals that are not just incremental.

If you want to take your team to a new level of success, get in touch with me. If you first want to develop yourself or individual leaders, my leadership coaching would be just right for you. Click here for more information.


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