The laws of the success universe

leadership mindset Jun 25, 2020

It’s an interesting thought: All of your failures and your reasons you don’t unleash your true potential come from ignorance of universal success laws. Sounds weird? Let me explain it with an analogy: 

You are consistently exposed to the law of gravity. The universe doesn’t care if you like it, if you agree to it, or if you ignore it. It simply works. When you let your smartphone slip through your fingers, it will inevitably fall. No protests help change this reality. 

Well, also for any success – and for happiness – there are universal laws at play. Their violation leads to mediocre results or even to massive failure. And that’s what happens to almost all businesses, teams, and people: They wonder why they are stressed and don’t achieve more (like others do). They take action here and there. However, if they don’t act more consistently to the universal laws, they will always remain below their potential. 

Here are two examples (out of dozens) for such powerful universal laws you must know and act in congruence with: 
  1. The law of belief. Whatever you believe to be true becomes your reality. This is not some psycho-stuff, this is true and hard business reality. If salespeople believe their customers will ask for discounts, they will find proof repeatedly. If the CEO believes people are hard to motivate, he will find himself surrounded by mainly uninspired people. And so on.
  2. The law of attraction. You are a living magnet and attract people and events in harmony with your dominant thoughts and actions into your life and your business. This is why I constantly repeat the quote that success is more whom you become than what you achieve. Because you will attract success in congruence to the appearance and thoughts of you and your business.

I know that’s some heavy stuff for today, but extremely powerful. We will cover these decisive aspects (besides lots of other success drivers) in my program "100 Day Success Challenge".


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