↔️ The Growing Gap

I got used to the fact that most of those who ask for my support have three characteristics in common: 

  1. They are already on a good level of performance and already had substantial accomplishments and want to move to the next level.
  2. They are willing, sometimes eager, to learn and grow. 
  3. They are not ashamed to ask for help, are honest about their situation and know that support can move them ahead.

In brief, these are the top 3 characteristics of the most successful and – yes! – happy people. 

My point is this: those who lack one or more of these traits are in fact even in a higher need for growth and support. The problem is, they are not stepping up exactly BECAUSE of their deficits. A classical catch 22! 

Now, if you are reading this, chances are that you are in the success group. Your challenge might be about your team members who sometimes block themselves from growth. I know that this complacency of your people can drive you nuts (at least this is what I see with quite a few of my clients). 

The question is this: what can you do to move your people toward the 3 key characteristics stated above? Here are three proven ideas: 

  1. Learn about your people. This might sound simple, but many leaders know surprisingly little about those that they want to fight for the success of their team. To influence anybody, you need to know what already influences them. What are their dreams, their goals, their preferences?
  2. Practice emotions. Yes, a key reason for many people’s complacency is that they “unlearned” to dream and be passionate, with the consequence of tapping only into 10 percent of their potential. As a leader, start first: be emotional about your vision, about your goals, about the great journey. Ignite a fire!
  3. Lead by example and learn faster yourself. Have a coach. Recommend at least one book to read per month to your people. Suggest audio and video programs. There is so much out there as great resources for learning and growing; yet, only a few people seize this opportunity. If you only encourage your people to learn more, your team performance already will grow.

In a nutshell: help your people to help themselves.

➡️ If you want to step up and tap into your and your team’s potential, we should talk about my ➔ coaching programs. Click here to apply.


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