The first hundred days are a sort of magical period: after a hundred days, a new president should have put a stick in the ground and made some important decisions. After the first hundred days in a new job, you should be clear about what you want to achieve, know the main stakeholders, and already made something different than your predecessor.
The sad truth is that the energy and inspiration often decline after this period.You probably know this effect from any major project: after some hype, the engagement decreases and routine settles in, sometimes even frustration. Obstacles that we surmounted with ease in the beginning seem to be insurmountable some weeks later.
No matter where you currently are, even if you have worked 20 years in the same job, I challenge you to start your next first 100 days today!
If you want to make a success leap in the next 100 days, check out my 100 Day Success Challenge. ➔ Click here.
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