🧗 How To Accomplish Big Things With Small Steps

Actually, we all know this: If you consistently march in the same direction with small steps, you will progress faster than someone who takes big leaps in repeatedly different directions.

The reason for the high effectiveness of small consistent steps is the compounding effect, which then leads to exponential growth.

However, we tend to forget this wisdom. Our brain is programmed to pay more attention to what is new than to what remains the same.

Why is this important at all?

Well, any sustainable increase in performance and success, any improvement in teamwork, and any other improvement in corporate culture requires changing mindsets, behaviors, and habits.

And these changes only work through constant repetition with positive reinforcement.

The good news is: you often don't need a huge one-time effort to make powerful things happen. Repeating similar steps in the same direction over and over again is enough.

Here are three moves you can take to successfully implement this insight:

  1. Set a big goal.

    Without a big and clear goal, you run out of steam along the way. Because often the same steps over and over again are not very motivating in themselves. What is motivating, on the other hand, and what moves us forward, is the big goal we want to achieve.

    The significance of this goal becomes even more important when you want to develop a team or an entire company in a certain direction.

    By the way, even better than a big goal is clarity about the future identity that I or we want to embody in the future. Because identity determines the way we think and behave. (👉 If you want to work on this with your team, get in touch with me).

  2. What one action will move me forward the most today?

    Once you have determined the big goal or your future identity (or both), you can answer an important question at any time with relative ease:

    What one action or behavior will get me closest to my goal? And: how do I or we need to think to achieve it?

    Most people, teams, and companies have significant potential when it comes to focusing on the actions that really matter. The problem: The big direction is not clear - at least not to everyone at the same time.

    As a result, priorities are set ad hoc according to the situation at hand instead of the most important goal we want to achieve.

  3. Observe and adjust.

    Of course, the third step must not be forgotten. Because the environment and our priorities can change over time.

    So we must constantly look to see if both the big goal and the path to it are still the most effective.

    Because what must not happen is that we make steady progress but climb the wrong mountain. Or choose a route that ends in a dead end.

    That's why it's important to establish success indicators right at the beginning that signal whether we're making progress along the right path.

Of course, these three steps are easier to understand than to implement on a daily basis. 👉 If you want to take this up with your team, it's best to take a look at my ➔ Options for working together.


➡️ Next steps:

Whenever you're ready, check out my ➔ coaching programs and set up ➔ a 15min appointment here to get to know each other.





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