Amazing facts

mindset productivity May 26, 2020

Did you know that the average car is only 6 km/h fast? Or that each email costs about 1 dollar? Or that certain computer software massively reduces productivity in ways you probably don’t even think about? You can read all of this in this article, which was published recently in a renowned Swiss newspaper (in German). 

So are we lost? Are we unable to increase productivity after all? Are we condemned to work harder and harder? 

Not at all! Let’s be serious: if you want to create more results and at the same time reduce your negative stress and uncertainty, there are three important levers. What is striking is that these are often neglected in so-called “productivity programs”. 

  1. Mindset. You need to become serious about productivity! Don’t laugh – many have trouble with it, since this means simultaneously taking more responsibility for their own time. How much more convenient it is to sit for an hour in the next meeting!
  2. Value creation. Most people do not have an answer to the question of what creates the highest value to themselves and their environment. Productivity is primarily about focusing on value-creating activities and stopping others.
  3. Habits. Productivity is a habit that you must train. Many have learned to be unproductive and develop habits which are consistent to unproductivity.

Go ahead, make more of your time! Here is an idea (click here), so you can start immediately.


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