A psychology crash course for managers

leadership Jun 30, 2020

One key differentiator between extremely successful managers and average ones is their knowledge and practice of basic psychological concepts.

The point is this: you don’t need a comprehensive study in psychology to be ahead of 90 percent of people. 

The benefits for you as a leader are more engaged people, higher productivity, faster change, more control, and –yes– more joy and happiness. 

Here are the three ideas I have found most useful for going from average to outstanding success: 
  1. Success is less about WHAT we achieve, but WHO we become. This is powerful because it shifts the perspective from the “external” thing we want to get to our “internal” side, our personality. First, we become a person of success, then we attract success. Never the other way round!
  2. Don’t wish it were easier, but wish you were better. This statement addresses the issue that too many people – including leaders – see the cause of their struggle somewhere in external circumstances. Convenient, but not true! We can overcome almost any obstacle if we put our entire effort into doing so. We are powerful beyond belief!
  3. Successful people find the same things hard to do as average people, but do them anyway. Alternatively, successful people do things that other won’t to live a life that others don’t. This is a question of drive and discipline. Both can be trained. When do you start?

These are just three basic ideas. If you want to advance faster, I suggest you hop on my 100 Day Success ChallengeFor more info click here.


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