Your Compass For 2021

leadership strategy Dec 31, 2020

Have you arrived well in the new year? I hope so!

And what do you do at the beginning of a new year? That's right: you take on a lot of things, of which you only implement a little later. That's not what we want to do here - namely, by focusing on foundations instead of actions.

Here's my suggestion to help you make 2021 an incredibly successful year for your family, your team, your customers and you:
  1. Establish guiding stars. By this I don't mean simply "goals," but your emotional anchor point in the future. I recommend that everyone define a guiding star for the next 12-36 months. What do you long for, in your personal life and in business? What would make you absolutely happy? The guiding star can consist of several different themes. The important thing is that it is emotionally charged. And that it is ambitious. So, go ahead: write and draw!
  2. Determine new ways of thinking. How do you need to think differently to get closer to the guiding star? Yes, that's right: You have to question your own ways of thinking. Because otherwise, you would have reached the guiding star long ago. I always find it fascinating to see which of my current ways of thinking are different from those of 10 years ago. This is the only way to achieve sustainable, personal development. And that's what we want in the new year, isn't it?
  3. Every day a little different. Most people are so busy with tasks and goals right at the beginning that they forget that progress happens mainly by doing something a little different every day. The good news is that a lot of progress is driven by our subconscious mind, if you continually visualize (literally) the guiding star and the new mindsets needed to achieve it. This is just as important as taking daily actions in the right direction.

So then, I wish you a great start to the new year, which is sure to be fascinating again.

And remember: there will only be one 2021 in your life. So, make the most of it! 


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