You need a breath of fresh air!

leadership Feb 23, 2021

“We are what we do consistently” is a common saying. In other words: our habits define our identity. And our habits are mainly based on our beliefs and thought patterns, which we have developed over years, often a long time ago. 

The same for businesses: all of them run based on the habits of their people, which are rooted in common beliefs. 

Here comes the twist: if you want to improve any business sustainably, there is no other way than changing the habits, which requires the change of beliefs and thought patterns. 

Now, a question to my advanced readers: is this change of habits easy or difficult? Yes, it’s difficult. This is why so many change initiatives fail or get stuck half way. Next question: what is the best (and sometimes the only) way to get people to change their beliefs and habits? Answer: new perspectives. 

How, then, can the leaders of organisations of any kind or size expect any sustainable performance increase if they don’t change the perspectives of their people?

There is no other way: you have to find a way to get new ideas and perspectives into the organization. Here are three ways to do this: 

  1. Interrupt patterns. Each day, think of something that you will do differently from now on. Cut meeting time in half. Greet people more passionately. Smile. Ask your staff members for help. Whatever you do: do something differently. The effect: people will feel that change becomes the norm.
  2. Practice. Select one area of your business in which you will try things differently. Maybe you call your customers instead of sending emails. Alternatively, you set a goal to increase meeting effectiveness this month. Whatever you choose, make a difference in this area. The effect: your people will see that change is possible, and see that change becomes a habit.
  3. External view. This is the most important one: Get external viewpoints. Get a business coach NOT from your industry. Get somebody who has a body of work (books, articles, videos, etc.) that differs from the stuff of usual consultants. Somebody who is provocative and challenging. This might be inconvenient, yet it is the fastest way to change the thought patterns of your people.

Sure, I can help you with point 3. Just set up a phone conversation by clicking here.


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