🕟 You always have enough time!

productivity Feb 24, 2022

Do you ever catch yourself saying, "I don't have time for that"? Well, you are not alone.

But unfortunately, the statement is simply wrong. Because: You always have enough time. You always find time for the really important things.

You notice this when something unpredictable happens: be it an emergency at home, sick children or a significant problem with a customer.

All of a sudden, we have the time to take care of it. What happened? You reprioritized. 

The problem: that prioritization comes from the outside. You are being reactive at this moment.

The best leaders, on the other hand, prioritize proactively. For the most part, they set their own agenda. They determine what is important. And they spend their time accordingly.

Here are 3 questions to ask so that from now on you will always have enough time for what is really important:

  1. What do you really want?
    Most people have great difficulty answering this question. However, if you are not sure what you really want, you send corresponding signals to your subconscious. The consequence: You will always react to stimuli from the outside that tell you what is important at the moment.
  2. Why is this more important than almost anything else?
    If you were able to answer the first question, you still need to be very clear about why this is more important to you than anything else. You need to find really good emotional reasons here. Because otherwise, priorities from the outside will always override your own goals.
  3. What are the decisive steps?
    This question serves to manifest your self-imposed priorities. Because only when you take action towards your important goals, you demonstrate to yourself that they are really important. This is the difference to dreams that you never realize - because something else always gets in the way.

If you answer these three questions consistently, you will achieve time mastery and determine the very greatest part of your days yourself. This is what makes outstanding leaders.

✅  If you want to systematically get better at these and similar topics, ➔ contact me for my coaching programs. Or ➔ set up a 15min session here. (You'll aways have time for that.)


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