Why don't people do what you tell them to do? 😩

leadership Dec 09, 2021

I experience this all the time: decisions are made, but not implemented. Tasks are delegated, but not completed as expected. Deadlines are set but not met. And so on.

In other words, I hear leaders moan time and again, "Oh, if only I could rely on my people!"

Why is that? Why do we humans often find it so difficult to do what others say? And conversely, why does it seem so hard to get others to do what I expect them to do?

If, on the other hand, you succeed, the increases in productivity and motivation are enormous.

So, let's get to the root of the matter: what are the causes and what can you do? Here are three key insights you can implement right away:
  1. Unclear expectations. The crucial question is: Are your expectations and the expectations of others congruent? Most of the time they are not, and therein lies the problem. Different expectations generate different results. So: clarify the common expectations in advance.
  2. Too much tolerance. This is a tricky one, but too often careless behavior is simply tolerated. The problem with this is not only the lack of adherence to agreements, but also the negative effect on those who reliably do their job. So, in all clarity, limit your tolerance.
  3. Unclear why. No one likes to do tasks when the meaning behind them is unclear. Too little time is often spent on clarifying the why. Important: This meaning and purpose must be understandable to the addressee. Tip: Make sure the other person understands why their commitment is important.
If you apply these three points, people are guaranteed to do more of what you say or what they commit to.

✅ If you want to systematically develop as a leader on other points as well, let's look at ways to do that in a short conversation. Book an appointment ➔ here.




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