Who Will Win?

leadership mindset Apr 03, 2020

Every crisis has lessons, and so does this one. Here are three of the most important lessons from my perspective:

  1. Things can always turn out worse or better than you think they can. What we thought was impossible yesterday may be reality tomorrow, and sometimes very quickly.
  2. Those who can switch from survival mode back to growth mode quickly will emerge from a crisis as winners. Many lick their wounds for far too long.
  3. The right mindset is crucial, and the true mindset shows itself exactly when things get tough. Mindset determines our focus, our decisions, and our success.

“That’s all easy to say,” you may think, “but how does that help me with our daily craziness?”

I’m glad you asked. Here are three concrete ideas on how you can implement these findings for your benefit (and that of your team):
  1. No comfort. Even when things are getting better, there is no more rest. Stability is a dangerous illusion. Be relentless in always looking for better ways to do things and growth opportunities, especially when things are going well, and you “can hardly keep up with deliveries, anyway.”
  2. Personal growth. It is becoming increasingly important to train your people in skills such as mindset, character, and leadership on an ongoing basis. Gone are the days when most leaders read only two books and attended only three seminars on these topics. That is no longer enough.
  3. Ongoing change. Rigid structures are the enemy of the future. You must constantly work to break down and reorganize people’s thinking (see point 2) and structures. Keep your people on their toes!

How do you do that exactly? I can share my experience with you on this. Just contact me here.


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