✏️ What we learned last year

The past year has had its share of peculiarities, from the uncertainty caused by the pandemic to the disrupted supply chains.

Many business leaders are reporting new challenges that didn't exist before or were less prevalent.

From my own experience and my numerous conversations with leaders from all kinds of industries, I have distilled some key "learning points."

Here are the 3 most important learning points from the past year, from my observation, that we should capitalize on in the new year:
  1. Things can always turn out differently. If the year 2021 has taught us one thing, it is that everything can always turn out differently. The future has always been uncertain, of course, but in my view the speed of changes in direction has increased. As a result, those who are good at taking advantage of new situations instead of sticking to their original plans and strategies have understood the lesson and can create new successes.
  2. Focus on what is feasible. It is increasingly important to push forward what is feasible at this moment rather than working on the ideal situation of the future. Of course, a strong vision is still essential, but the way to get there must be increasingly oriented to what is feasible. In other words, it is better to implement something now and achieve quick successes than to keep building on the cathedral. Because the environment is simply changing too fast, see point 1.
  3. Seize opportunities. The proverbial "Windows of Opportunity" are opening and closing faster than in previous years.  Those who develop a good sense of opportunity and have a "winning spirit" in their team to seize those opportunities will win. 
The bottom line is that if you get better at these three points than you have been, there's a good chance that a crisis will be almost non-existent for you.

✅ Get in touch for a quick chat if you'd like to discuss these suggestions as they relate to your situation. ➔ Click here.




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