🕺 What Really Makes A True Leader

There is a beautiful quote from the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher:

"Having power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are one, you are not."

That translates beautifully to leadership:

"Being a leader is the same as being a lady. If you have to tell people you're one, you're not."

The point is this: You can learn all kinds of methods and tools it takes to be a good leader.

But if people don't perceive you as a leader, you're not one, even if you have a certificate from some leadership academy hanging on the wall behind you.

True leadership is not so much about methods, tools and position (the latter certainly not), but rather about certain characteristics.

Here are three characteristics that distinguish you as a true leader:

  1. Leadership identity with high standards.
    The most important thing that distinguishes a true leader is his or her own self-image, that is, identity. Do I see myself as a leader or not?
    Of course, this includes high standards for oneself - and certainly for the environment as well. No one is a good leader if they allow everything to happen to themselves, are careless and are not committed to outstanding results, to name just a few examples.
    You can't be a good leader without these high standards. Period.
  2. Surrounding yourself with challengers.
    The next important characteristic is to surround yourself not only with yes-men but, on the contrary, with people who challenge you. Who don't just accept orders, but have the courage to challenge your statements.
    It is no coincidence that "leaders" in politics and business who cling to their position ("I am the president!") and act in an authoritarian manner because they have nothing else to base their leadership on.
    True leaders, on the other hand, are in the midst of people with whom they rub shoulders and with whom they achieve top performance together.
  3. Mastering uncertainty.
    The third important characteristic of outstanding leadership is the mindset and the ability to see uncertainties as enrichments.
    You could also put it this way: "Managers" need certainty in order to perform well. Leaders, on the other hand, only really blossom when they are confronted with uncertainty. That's because good leaders can generate added value from volatility.
    For this ability, you have to work on your mindset above all, if it wasn't instilled in you by your upbringing.

So, there you have three of the most important characteristics that make up top leadership. There are more, of course.

👉 Just get in touch if you want to discuss how to best apply these principles to yourself and your team.



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