What is success anyway?

I’m writing a lot about success. Hence the question is important: what is success anyway? The answer to this question has a significant implication on the future of your life and your business. 

As for all other building blocks that shape our future, the perception of success is also a question of our mindset and our beliefs.

In other words, what I believe about success will determine how successful I become. 

In most of my workshops, some attendees will connect to success in negative, rather than positive, stories. For them, success is associated with stress, obligations, “blood, sweat, and tears”, failure, envy, and much more. The consequences are clear:

People with negative beliefs about success will do everything to subconsciously sabotage their success. 

This effect of the mindset of team members on the success of the entire team and their leader is largely ignored. Even if addressing these challenges is most effective in coaching or workshop settings, here are three techniques that you as a leader can (and should) apply to rapidly achieve more with your team: 

  1. Define success not as an achievement, but as personal and business development. In other words, success is not about what you achieve, but who you become. You can immediately stop any arguments about success as soon as you relate it to personal growth. And if team members state they don’t want to develop and grow, they might not be the right people for your team.
  2. True success always goes hand-in-hand with joy and fulfilment. We cannot enforce success – at least, not repeatedly. When striving for audacious goals, always link them to changes that will also foster joy and fulfilment. Always ask yourself: how can we make these efforts a pleasant road to travel?
  3. Make success transparent. Many resist further efforts to achieve more and to be more successful, simply because they do not see how this success materializes. Fuzziness kills commitment. Instead, identify simple and clear measures of success and communicate progress constantly.

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