The very simple things

leadership productivity Feb 13, 2020

I proudly announce that I recently became an author for the renowned Swiss business publication, "HANDELSZEITUNG."

My first article is entitled, "Back to the Basics" (just send me an email if you want a pdf of it, in German).

I chose this title deliberately because most companies focus too much on the big programs, the next big strategy, the introduction of new IT systems, the latest employee development program and so on.

These are not in themselves the wrong topics. But often the focus is lost on the huge effects of often very simple changes - the "basics."

Here are a few examples:

  1. Responsibility. If everyone in the company takes full responsibility for and accepts the consequences of his/her own actions, we no longer have to track various projects and can eliminate numerous checkpoints, which also speeds up the activities.
  2. Vision. If there is a clear, unambiguous and emotionally compelling vision, you can avoid many discussions in leadership. The question is then quite simple: Does this or that initiative contribute to achieving the vision or not? And if so, which one has the greatest effect? Done!
  3. Personal growth. If each individual continues to actively grow, the company's focus on the way to achieve lasting success can change: people will no longer need external stimulus to work on the most important tasks.

These issues are easy to address, but often mean a paradigm shift. I understand. That's why I support managers and companies in this respect. To get in touch for a short conversation: ➔ click here.


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