The need for fresh air

Let's be honest, right at the start of the new year: There are always 1000 reasons why one should not change anything - and certainly not yourself.

Those who care relatively little about these reasons are not only more successful on average but also happier, more fulfilled and more positive in the world.

You must have positive intentions, of course, but hopefully, that goes without saying.

Let me ask you a question about 2019: What would it be like if you question something that already exists every day and allow fresh and different ideas?

It's like opening your windows wide and letting fresh air flow through.

Where to start? From my work in 2018, I see the most " need for fresh air" in these areas:

  1. Leadership. Get out of your way of thinking through sparring partners and coaching. Cancel useless meetings and apply new findings from leadership research.
  2. Self-responsibility. In other words, we all have full responsibility to choose our attitude every minute. I find it downright outrageous and selfish when managers let themselves be down and radiate negativity and low energy.
  3. Sales. Most sales teams (especially in SMEs) urgently need to question existing ideas and old methods and above all work on mindsets and new tactics. The potential, particularly in sales, is enormous! I have experienced this again and again with my customers in 2018.

Important note: I am allocating further slots for my Sales Team Power Coaching in 2019. For sales teams that want to work on their success in 2019. Click here for more info.


Do you want to take your sales team to a whole new level in 2019?

Are you CEO or sales manager and want to raise your sales team to a new level in 2019? Click here to apply for a complimentary exploration session for my Sales Team Power Coaching Program.





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