The eternal drama with the mindset

leadership mindset Aug 15, 2019

When I talk to CEOs and other leaders about how they can achieve more with their team, the conversation most often turns to the same topic: mindset.

"The mindset of our people is not geared towards winning." Or:
"The employees are too satisfied with the status quo. There is no pressure." And:
"How can I change the mindset of my people?"

Those are just a few of the typical statements I hear too often.

After studying dozens of companies and conducting countless research on the subject, I can tell you three certain facts, which are crucial if you want to change the mindset of your people toward a winning team culture:

  1. The key barrier. You are in your own way! Most leaders who want to create a winning team culture have to work on themselves first. Don't worry, that's perfectly normal. We ourselves are always the key to the success of a team. And that always starts with our own mindset.
  2. Lacking awareness. There is hardly any awareness about the topic of mindset. Most people will look for the solution by using some tactics, which are then taught in "training courses". However, that almost always falls short. Therefore, the first thing that you need to do is making people aware of the importance of the own mindset for any success. And then to work on it.
  3. Repetition. You have to train continuously. I have already mentioned in various places that changing the mindset requires ongoing training, preferably on a daily basis. That's why I have geared my programs for the winning team culture in this exact way.

If you want to work on the mindset in your team and organization, contact me for a brief exploration session. Click here.


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