🌅 The Best Morning Routines

Your morning sets the tone for your day. This is an old adage. If you create your morning by yourself and consciously, you dramatically increase your chances of ending the entire day successful and fulfilled.

A very important correlation is this: if you already start your morning reactively, you will most likely continue to do so.

"Reactive" means activities like checking emails, social media, news channels, newspaper, and so on.

My point is this: You can do all of that. But please don't do it as your first thing. Make the first hour of each day completely self-directed.

That always works. You may have to get up earlier to do it (and go to bed earlier accordingly). That's what most top performers do.

Here are three things you should be sure to incorporate in the morning, and do so without external interference:

  1. Increase physical energy.
    For your entire day, it's important to have some kind of physical routine first thing in the morning, whether it's stretching, yoga, cardio, or something else. This will release certain hormones, with various positive consequences not only on the body, but especially for your mental fitness. It's best to schedule at least 10 minutes for this.
  2. Establish clarity.
    While the first routine is still applied by quite a few, this one is already less common: create clarity for the day. You do this, for example, by writing down your weekly and daily goals. In doing so, answer this question: what would make this day extremely successful and fulfilling? It is important that you rewrite your answers, preferably by hand. By doing so, you are programming your subconscious mind, which will steer you through much of your day, even if you barely notice it.
  3. Grow personally.
    Few people do this: spend as little as 15-30 minutes in the morning reading a good book that will move you forward. If you do this every morning, you will build a significant advantage in your knowledge and skills. You will then read an entire book every 1-2 weeks. You can bet that this will have a positive effect on your entire life. So: set a timer and get started!

As with so many important topics, it's all about habits that we need to change. It's never easy.

🟢 If you've ever thought about caching on this (and other topics), ➔ reach out to me for a quick chat.




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