That's how it works!
I must admit, sometimes, I doubt whether what I contribute to companies as principles of success really works. But the clear answer is: YES!
Why do I know that? Because I see the evidence at events, namely when business leaders - from any industry - report on why they are outstandingly successful. This was recently the case at the KMU SWISS Forum in Switzerland.
Here are the three most important success levers from my perspective, which were unanimously reported by CEOs:
- A clear and strong vision. It is an ancient wisdom, yet it continues to be disregarded by most managing directors: Only with a strong, concrete, and convincing vision can you create something outstanding. By when do you want to be there with your company? Many businesses exist only because of this vision; others have disappeared because of lack of vision. It is your choice!
- Winning culture. This also runs like a repeated pattern through all success stories. Clearly, you can't be successful without a team that fights for the goals with full commitment. Important: You have to invest in that. It's not coming on its own.
- Execution of decisions. The success stories confirm time and again: The best leaders make decisions – even when uncertain – and then go straight to implementation. Risks are seen as to be managed as a normal part of success, not as something to be avoided at all costs.
As I said, these are concrete guidelines for action. And they work. Do you also want to be one of the best? Then register for an individual 20-minute exploration session: Click here.