People love to change!

leadership Sep 18, 2020

One of the great myths about change is that people resist it. This is often used by senior executives as an excuse for why strategies don’t get implemented, productivity doesn’t increase as expected, or the new sales approach doesn’t work. 

The problem is that this myth is… just a myth. People love change! Otherwise nobody would have children, move into a new house or go on vacation. But this is correct in one aspect, as there is some change that people resist: change that is imposed on them by others or by circumstances. 

People only love change that they believe in and that they truly want. People hate all change that comes from outside. It’s as simple as that! 

The problem: in an organization, we cannot wait until every person decides to “want” the change. So, what can you do as a leader (and any person with influence) to “make” people change? 

Here are three decisive steps (of which #2 is almost always ignored by leaders): 
  1. Get clear about why YOU want the change in the first place. Why is this change important to you? For example, why do you want to implement the strategy? What is the true and emotionally appealing reason? Get crystal clear! (That’s what I spend quite some time on in my strategy workshops, because it is absolutely essential for a successful strategy execution.)
  2. Identify the current greatest concern of the people you want to change. Where are they, mentally? What is keeping their thoughts busy? Remember: you only can influence people when you pick them up where THEY are, not where YOU are!
  3. Create a story that connects #1 and #2. Explain in understandable terms why and how people should and can move from A to B, coming from THEIR own interest. By this, you get them to buy into YOUR reasons for change.

Do you want support in making change work? Just click here to schedule a brief session.


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