Never think it's easy!

leadership mindset Oct 03, 2019

"Actually, you should fly in with the helicopter", one of my customers once said, alluding to the fact that I have to lead an extraordinary life if I heed all my own wisdom.

Some of my readers and customers get the impression I have everything under control and always know the best answers. After all, I'm always writing about how to be much more successful with teams and companies.

Today I'll tell you a secret: I fight every day just like everyone else to become better and lead a more fulfilling life. And that's certainly not always easy. My mindset acquired as a child is not always helpful.

Perhaps this insight will help you if you sometimes ask yourself why it is so difficult to take even small steps forward at times, while at other times big leaps can be made quite quickly.

As a reminder, here are the three most important insights that will get you through difficult times and give you the energy to hold on (and that every highly successful person uses):
  1. Learning. The most successful and fulfilled people are lifelong students. This is not a platitude, but reality: if you want to make progress - and keep high energy - when things get tough, you have to keep learning. This is a habit that many have forgotten.
  2. Perseverance. Especially topics like cultural change or the development to a winning team need one thing above all: perseverance and the will to persevere even for a longer period of time when there is something more urgent to do.
  3. Vision. You can only persevere if you know where the journey should take you. What do you and your team want to fight for? And why? For many people, the belief they can make a difference has been replaced by cynicism. And cynicism is deadly for progress.

If you want to learn more about how to apply these principles to yourself and your team, just ask me for a 20-minute exploration session. Click here.


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