Leading in difficult times

leadership May 21, 2020

What does it actually mean to lead in difficult times? There's an old saying that true leadership shows up in times of crisis. When the sun is not shining, when there are storms to be overcome.

I would only agree with this to a limited extent. Because it takes a lot to set the sails properly when the wind comes from behind. In any case, I always find it remarkable how many good opportunities are missed when all doors are open. Some companies extend their competitive edge massively, especially in good times - when everyone can actually afford to do it.

Here comes the most important truth: the biggest difference in success never comes from the outside, but always from the inside. With the right leadership, you can almost always be massively more successful than the average person, no matter what is going on outside.

Here are three essential leadership success factors for orientation from my “vault", each in "easy" and "difficult" times. You can base your own actions on them:
  1. Perspective. Developing and communicating a perspective means in good times having a strong vision that inspires people to leave the comfort zone. In difficult times, perspective focuses primarily on developing a positive future. Typical question: "How can we benefit from the crisis?" Or: "How can we use the crisis to strengthen our positive influence?"
  1. Standards. High standards for oneself and one’s entire team are a decisive factor for success at all times. This also means not tolerating deviations from them. Especially in difficult times, it is essential to remember to set high standards. This includes creeds like "never blame external circumstances", "always take full responsibility", "always choose a positive attitude" and so on.
  1. Momentum. It's remarkable that some companies tend to bury their heads in the sand when things get tough, while others are at their very best. It's no different in sports and in personal life: the most successful ones create momentum, especially when things get difficult. To what extent are you really accelerating right now, e.g. by developing the entire management team from the home office in a targeted manner through training, replacing physical workshops with video training and so on? There are countless possibilities to create momentum right now.

If you also want to strengthen your leadership at this very moment, then get in touch with me.Click here.


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