Leadership Learning Points from Corona

leadership May 07, 2020

A lot has already been written about the effects on leadership and on our teamwork in organizations as a result of the corona challenges. One question keeps coming up: What will change positively in our leadership and our culture in the long term?

Here are a few  leadership lessons that I take away from my coaching and projects with my clients during the last weeks:
  1. Nothing will change if we do not change ourselves. In a few weeks and months, many things will be exactly the same as before unless we as leaders have taken the chance and started to change some of our behavioural patterns in leadership. This is a conscious choice.
  2. There is always another way. You have probably also thought that many things that would have taken months, or years, to decide in normal times, now happen in a few days. Meetings via video? No problem! The CEO's morning video to the team? We always wanted to do that, anyway! Omitting unproductive meetings? We should have done it long ago! Serving customers remotely? And the customers even like it! Coaching per video session? Just as effective as on site. And so on.
  3. Opportunities are everywhere. We humans are strange: Most of us only really move when we have to (in our perception). Anyone who is an entrepreneur can tell you that you MUST win customers. If we can no longer be on site with the customers, we MUST find opportunities via video. And suddenly we see opportunities where before there were only unpleasant work and risks.
  4. Emotion is (almost) everything. Whether a company emerges from the crisis as a winner is 10 percent due to external influence and 90 percent due to its own decision as a reaction to circumstances. And this decision is almost exclusively influenced by emotion. This applies to the CEO as well as to each individual member of the organization: Some people are now, more than ever, engaged, while others prefer to retreat. Everything is a choice!
  5. Speed is becoming more important. If you want to be extraordinarily successful in the future, you would do well to increase the speed of decisions and actions. Waiting a long time during a crisis is extremely dangerous. In good times, it throws us back.

If you want to make your leadership team (and yourself) fit for the future, I recommend getting in touch. ➔ Click here for more information.


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