🏁 How to ensure the implementation of strategies

leadership strategy Sep 08, 2021

Do you always fully implement your business strategies? My experience shows: hardly anyone manages to do that.

And I'm not talking about deliberately interrupting the implementation because important parameters have shifted.

No, I'm talking about the fact that you and the leadership team really want to implement the strategy, but it's still not progressing properly.

This does not only waste valuable resources. No, you also lose time and, most importantly, it frustrates people.

There are various companies where the lack of strategy implementation has already become a habit. "This too shall pass" is a typical statement from the people who are supposed to be driving the implementation.

Why is this so difficult? Why do important strategic decisions too often fall by the wayside and opportunities go unused?

Here are the three most important levers you need to operate, from my experience, if you want to implement your strategies and reap full benefits:
  1. Involve people. The mistake is made again and again: A strategy is drafted by the leadership team or the board of directors, and then the employees are expected to implement the measures with full energy. It doesn't work that way. People will only implement with full commitment something to which they have contributed beforehand. You and I would feel the same way. Therefore: Involve more people in the development of the strategy right from the start. Implementation will then be all the easier.
  2. Generate Momentum. I write about this all the time: If you only have enough "momentum", you will push through almost all change, even against resistance. However, most strategy implementations never really take off. Uncertainties and fears often play a role. So: define swift measures, generate quick successes and make implementation unstoppable.
  3. Clarify the direction. This is actually the simplest point, but it is often missing: Where exactly do you want to go with your strategy? Do you have a clear and compelling vision that you can explain to everyone in three minutes? Too many strategies get lost in the details. Your people can't see the forest for the trees and will therefore hesitate to implement it. You would do the same.
If you fully apply these three ideas next time, you are guaranteed to make faster progress with your strategy.

➡️ I offer to help you define and implement strategies in a way that will help you move faster, realize your full potential, and achieve full commitment from your team. Interested? Simply schedule a 15min call here to see if I can support you. 




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