How many chances are you missing?

marketing & sales Feb 28, 2019

"We finally have to improve the customer experience," rumbles the head of sales at the management meeting. "We simply can't do everything we can to sell our products at high prices and then have such shortcomings on delivery!" There was an embarrassed silence.

Only after some hesitation does the head of logistics notice timidly: "After all, we were able to reduce the delivery time by 10 percent last quarter".

Perhaps you are familiar with such discussions. The problem is that they miss the actual crucial point.

Change of scene: When I unpacked my new Apple Watch the other day, I once again noticed how much importance this company continues to place on customer experience, not abstractly, but quite specifically.

This means that a total of 20 steps may be necessary to unpack and start up the device (if you count everything). Each of these steps works right away, is emotionally charged and seamlessly moves on to the next step. After about 10 minutes, the Smartwatch is completely ready for operation and does not only provide pleasure after that.

This is not about the company from Cupertino, but about one important point: Apple is still the benchmark in not missing any opportunities in the positive customer experience. As a result, all contact with the customer is an opportunity to deepen the customer relationship - or it is thoughtlessly wasted.

That's how it is in your company: Every point of contact of your customers with your brand, your product, and your people is an opportunity that is often carelessly missed.

Here are three short ideas on how you might miss out on fewer such opportunities in the future:
  1. Decide. Make the customer experience a central anchor point of your strategy and positioning in the market. The good news: in almost all markets you can still clearly distinguish yourself from the competition with this.
  2. Analyze with your team which points of contact exist with your brand, your product, and your people during a typical interaction. Depending on your products and services, this could range from a few dozen to hundreds.
  3. Generate ideas on how you can develop each of these touches into a positive experience and start with the implementation.

If you have any questions or would like support on individual steps, just contact me. Click here.


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