Forget Change Management!

leadership Jun 15, 2018

It is often important which words you attach to topics. Do you speak in conditional or indicative? Do you say "we will" or "we want"? Do you choose superlatives (e.g. "the shortest delivery time") or do you talk indefinitely ("a short delivery time")?

I had discussed the meaning of language elsewhere. Today, I am concerned with the misleading term "change management”. Here is what I mean:

When you "manage" change, it means you are reactive. Management is not shaping, but controlling. You control and optimize what happens anyway. An important function in companies, but not for change!

Change must be initiated, shaped and guided. This has nothing to do with management, but with leadership.

So if you want change (which is doubtful with most change projects, by the way), then do the following:

  1. Lead the change instead of "managing" it. Define a bold vision and try to achieve it.
  2. Work on the mindset of the people who should work with you on the change. Unsuitable mindset is the most common reason for unsuccessful change programs.
  3. Take risks. Yes, right, real change which matters, you will never manage without risks and setbacks. This does not require "risk management" but leadership that leads through setbacks.

Now, make the change. If you need help, just contact me.


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