Do you believe in Easter bunnies?

Let's keep it short today: Happy Easter! I hope you have a great time with your loved ones and do what you enjoy the most.

Here are three Easter ideas on how to make the remaining nine months of the year outstanding:

  1. Have exactly three main goals for the next nine months. Who exactly are you and what exactly do you have achieved until the end of the year? Write this down and hang it on the wall in front of you (or even better: paint your ideal situation at the end of the year!)
  2. Install exactly one new habit per month. Yes, right: If you apply ONE new success habit for 30 days every month, you become "automatically" better, 12 times per year!
  3. Read at least one book or invest in a video or audio course per month. And this also applies if you are "employed": Don't wait for your boss to tell you! It's YOUR life. So invest in it!

To make faster progress with all this, take a look at my Success Academy Pro. Click here.


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