A winning team culture in 3 stages

culture leadership Jul 25, 2019

It is difficult to turn an average company (or business area) into a sustainably outstanding one. 

That's exactly why the best coaches are called upon in sport when it comes to advancing to the next league (or to the Champions League finals). Also, leadership is extremely important in business for the same reason.

What does a top coach (or even what I do with my clients regarding the above question) actually do?

If you study the topic (and especially the successes), it's always these three steps with which you can turn an average team into an outstanding winning team:

  1. Basics. The reasons for more or less success can be found in very simple traits with each individual, which were often only completely forgotten: Full responsibility, ambition, perseverance, and some other things are very simple principles of every winning team, which most people violate daily. That's why we first have to work systematically on these principles.
  2. Clarity. For each significant change, it needs strong and emotionally convincing goals and a vision for better conditions in the future. The best coaches in sport and business, therefore help create clear and strong goals. Then you can also see who will belong to the future and who won't.
  3. Leadership. In every winning team culture, we need strong leadership at all levels. How do you implement it? Besides consistent development, this often includes a more stringent selection of the right people for the decisive positions.

These are three important stages in a nutshell. If you are serious about creating a winning team culture in your company or division, get in touch. Click here.


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