Most companies do not design their own future. Instead, they let competition, the environment, and customers determine their agenda. As a business leader, you can and should change that.


Do you want to strategically raise your company or your business unit to a new level of success?

The dimension "Strategy & Shaping the Future" is one of the three dimensions of business success, besides "winning team culture & leadership" and "marketing, sales & customer focus".

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. How clear is your business strategy for yourself, the leadership team, and the entire staff? When asked by an external person, can all members of the organization can clearly explain the key elements of the strategy?
  2. How strong does your strategy shape your future (rather than responding to external influences)?
  3. How strong does your entire team (and the leadership team) stand behind the strategy?
  4. What is the momentum of strategy implementation?
  5. How do you measure the success of the strategy implementation?

If you do not get the full score on these questions, you leave significant success potential on the table and put the company (or your business unit) at significant risk.

However, you are not alone! Most companies struggle to shape their future with a clear and ambitious strategy and to implement this strategy consistently and with a high pace.

The good news: this can be changed - quickly and with a high positive impact.

In doing so, Volkmar, as your consultant, coach, workshop leader, and sparring partner, takes a different approach than most consultants. He does not start with complicated methods with great sets of slides that look nice but deliver no results.

Instead, Volkmar focuses on unleashing the full power of your team to create an inspiring and sustainable future because ninety percent of creativity and knowledge exist within your people!

What you need is someone who distills and strengthens the knowledge, ideas, and motivation from your people and orchestrates the process in such a way that, first, you have a clear and implementable strategy, and second, you and your people are eager to implement it with no delay.

Briefly, Volkmar follows a simple, yet effective, 5-point plan:

  1. Evaluation of what you have as foundation within your team (usually more than most leaders realize)
  2. Setup of a “Shaping the Future Team"
  3. Carefully prepared workshops create the aspects of a clear and ready-to-implement strategy (choosing the most suitable methods and tools for your situation from many possibilities)
  4. Definition of action packages with a clear measurement of success
  5. Implementation at a high pace and communication of successes

This proven approach is based on Volkmar’s experience and continuous training of over 25 years. So, you can be sure not only to get the best methods, but also the inspiration and momentum that differentiates the most successful business strategies from the average.

Are you ready for an exploratory conversation? Then request an exploration session via the box below.

Yes, I want to shape the future!

To make the first step, simply click on the button and request an Exploration Session.
